Have you ever wondered what does a Handyman do? how do you defined one and what is the real difference between a Handyman a contractor or specialist?

If you have, your not the only one.  At Response Crew, we asked these questions and more. We thought about it, we tried a few different ideas, we spoke to many home owners and after 10 years of running Response Crew Handyman, we think we have the answer! at least, for now and for us. 

What should you expect from your handyman?

Well, we found that different people have different expectations from a Handyman. And, different Handyman have different services offered from other handyman’s.  Sounds confusing?

Arizona’s own Rosie, from the popular radio show on KTAR 92.3 FM, Rosie On The House, was curies as well to what exactly is a Handyman and how if at all can you defined one? 

On the show with Response Crew

Response Crew Handyman was invited to be the guest expert in matters or the Handyman. We helped define what a Handyman person is, what he should be capable of, what he is allowed or what are his limitations and much more. We spent time in studio talking to Romey, the Co-Host of Rosie On The House and answering customers calls. 

The show was broadcast live on April 27th of 2024. We know not everyone had the chance to listen in but we are happy to share this link to the Rosie On The House website where you can find videos of the broadcast. So, take some time, follow this link and watch some videos of the show and hopefully, you will find this information helpful. If your not familiar with the radio show, we strongly recommend you tune in! 

Rosie On The House is broadcasts live every Saturday from 8-11 am on KTAR 92.3 FM as well as on  KNST 790 AM and KGVY 100.7 FM 

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The broadcast was also recorded. Here are a few short clips from the show. You can watch these and many more on our YouTube channel  https://www.youtube.com/@Responsecrew

Does a Handyman need a contractors license?

What Does A Handyman Really Do?

How we Define A Good Handyman!